Calallen Dental


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Is Invisalign as good as braces?

There are multiple reasons why people prefer Invisalign over traditional metal braces. But is Invisalign as suitable as braces? Well, many patients consider aligner treatment because it is easy to manage, they are less painful, and give desired results quickly. 

Not only this but there are also many advantages to choosing these modern plastic braces. But you should consult your dentist before going for either aligners or braces because there are specific issues that only braces can cure. Your dentist can guide you better on which one you should choose depending on your tooth condition. 

Invisalign is an excellent teeth straightening tool or orthodontic device that brings your teeth to a better position, just like how traditional braces work. But the only difference is aligner is invisible, you can remove it, and you do not have to follow many food restrictions. 

The main reason why aligners are so popular is their non-visibility. Most patients go for these orthodontic devices because it gives them the confidence to smile freely while on teeth straightening treatment. After all, who wouldn’t like to flaunt a smile without anyone seeing or noticing the braces? 

Before we go further, let’s read more about the same. Invisalign is made from clear plastic, and they do not have wires; anyone from teenagers to adults can wear them. Moreover, it comes in a series of trays that you have to wear depending on your tooth condition. 

What are the benefits of Invisalign compared to traditional braces?

Below are some of the benefits that aligners have. It will help you decide whether they are as good as braces: 

  • Invisalign is not visible: The visibility factor is one of the main benefits that make aligners better or as good as traditional braces. The world won’t know that you’re straightening your teeth with any orthodontic device in your mouth. In the treatment, process aligners are placed inside your mouth with small plastic wires that make them non-visible. Unless someone looks closely at your teeth, they won’t be able to tell whether you’re wearing an aligner.   
  • Less pain and discomfort: Compared to metal braces, aligners are less painful and will not cause much discomfort. In addition, they are made using 3-D imaging techniques and graphs to see their progress, so it helps your dentist work on it, make adjustments accordingly, and make it accustomed to your jawline. 
  • You can maintain good dental hygiene: As we know, Invisalign is removable, making it easy to floss and brush your teeth. Therefore, the quality of this dental equipment makes it better than traditional orthodontic cases. Cleaning the plaque build-up and food particles stuck between your teeth is easy with aligners. Moreover, you can also clean your aligners before putting them in again, which is impossible with metal braces. 
  • Fewer food restrictions: Another essential factor that makes Invisalign as good as braces is that you do not have to follow many food restrictions. You can not eat certain food items properly with traditional orthodontic cases because there are chances of getting stuck between the metal wire, which can harm the braces and cause multiple dental infections. But with aligners, you can quickly remove them before eating anything and wash your mouth before putting them in again.

Lastly, both aligners and braces are suitable for misaligned teeth, cross bites, gaps between teeth, etc., and we hope that all the points mentioned above have helped you decide whether Invisalign is as good as braces or not! And you will go for the one that suits your tooth condition well.