Calallen Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Are Dentures

Dentures are an amazing replacement for missing teeth. They are easily removable. The two types of dentures available are complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures cover the entire upper and lower jaw whereas partial replace one or a few teeth.

Let’s study a bit more about the two of them.

Complete Dentures
They are either “conventional” or “immediate”. A conventional denture is ready to be placed inside the mouth after a span of 8-12 weeks after the teeth have been removed. However, immediate dentures are made in advance and can easily be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. The advantage of this denture is that patients can immediately wear it even in the healing period. Bone and gum shrinkage is often experienced by patients, especially during the healing period. Immediate dentures require more adjustments to fit in properly during the healing process. This is the reason immediate dentures should be considered only as a temporary solution until a conventional denture is ready for use.

Partial Dentures
A partial denture generally comprises replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic base. It is connected by a metal framework that keeps the denture in place. They work as a removable alternative to a bridge. Partial dentures fill in space and prevents other teeth from changing the position. This is a natural-looking substitute.

Composition Of Dentures
Modern dentures are made of a hard resin. The material used is fragile, therefore, it is recommended to take proper care to prevent any kind of chip or crack. The material also gets erode very quickly than natural teeth and therefore it is recommended to replace it with a new set more often.

The supporting structure that holds denture is made of a flexible polymer material which fits neatly on the gum line.

Advantages Of Wearing Dentures
Dentures have an important role in restoring your pretty smile. However, they also function to give a fine structure to mouth, cheeks and lips. Dentures make it easier to chew and bite food. They act as a viable solution to replace teeth that cause pain and oral health issues. Dentures are a strong and wise alternative to troublesome teeth that might lead to oral health issues, if not replaced on time.

How To Take Care Of Dentures
No matter which type of denture you are carrying, all of them need to be cleaned on a regular basis. There is an equal possibility of bacteria, germs and plaque build up on dentures. This eventually results in gum damage and tooth decay.

Cleaning dentures is very easy. Just take them out of your mouth and run clean water over them to remove any food particles that might be stuck between the teeth, gumline or underneath. Now brush the dentures all over with a brush. You can either use a mild soap or denture cleaner for the same. Avoid using any other cleaner or a regular toothpaste. Using such material will damage the denture material. Make sure to rinse them well after cleaning.

Taking care of dentures is very important to maintain its quality and effectiveness. If you are still confused, let us know. Our specialists will offer you a detailed know-how on using dentures effectively.

If you are someone who needs dentures, regardless of your age, please don’t hesitate to ask for a query. Write to us and we will be back with an appropriate solution based on your needs.

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